Site de Gazelle Harambee


MAY 2015 Madagascar Urgency

We received, from Madagascar, about five weeks ago, a request for an urgengy aid concerning the situation of

children in a great distress. In the south of Madagascar, the drought is terrible in this year 2015 and the isolated

villages are the first affected. This phenomenon of great drought leading to starvation occurs roughly every ten

years. In order to say “Stop!” to Kéré (starvation) and to help quickly people from Ambazoa and Ambovombe

districts, we have partnered with a Malagasy association: Compassion Madagascar.

Their representatives went on spot rapidly with food of basic necessities. Some children were provided with

nutrition and urgency rehydratation products.

Some of them have been eating only with ashes mixed with crashed cactus and water.

GHA Urgence Madagascar 2015 Stop Kéré

GHA Urgency Madagascar 2015 Stop Kéré

GHA Urgence Madagascar 2015 Stop Kéré

GHA Urgency Madagascar 2015 Stop Kéré

Today, (May 2015) still 3000 children suffer from acute malnutrition in this village and the surroundings.

We hope to start a groundwork with this local association « Compassion Madagascar » in order to establish a long term plan and bring real solutions in this region.