Site de Gazelle Harambee

Water Riza community (Kenya)

Objective: To facilitate water access.

Object: To help the Riza community to manage its water

Localization: Kenya Amboseli. Riza Community

Duration of works: 2013 (January/ February)

Parterns: Riza community and Amboseli chief, MHI

Description of activities: Installation of a water tank and protection of installations

GAZELLE HARAMBEE Water project Riza community 2013 (Kenya)

GAZELLE HARAMBEE Water project Riza community 2013 (Kenya)

Status of the project: Finished.


The Riza community is located at the border of the National Amboseli Park, roughly 25 km from Kimana town. This community have a forage but the exit of the pump is not secured from elephants’ visits at night. In another hand, the pump’s pressure not allowed the women to fill up easily theirs jerricans. We decided, on a common agreement, to build a small shelter for generator and the exit of the forage. In order to facilitate the water management, we set up a tank to store sufficiently liters for a water collect every five days. This new organization allows the community to save petrol and the use of the generator. The water pressure being well prevented by a valve and a tape at the level of the tank, the women have a better comfort in water supply, it follows a less water waste.

This well organized community, insure the management of installations.

GAZELLE HARAMBEE Water project Riza community 2013 (Kenya)

GAZELLE HARAMBEE Water project Riza community 2013 (Kenya)

GAZELLE HARAMBEE Water project Riza communinity 2013 (Kenya)

GAZELLE HARAMBEE Water project Riza communinity 2013 (Kenya)

GAZELLE HARAMBEE Water project Riza community 2013 (Kenya) et Florence Cazanobe

GAZELLE HARAMBEE Water project Riza community 2013 (Kenya) et Florence Cazanobe